Admission Process (Fresh Admission)
Admission process for 2023-24 to the first year and direct second year will be conducted through CAP and as per the guidelines of State Government of Maharashtra(M.S.).
Government seats: Admission process for Government quota seats & Minority Seats will be carried out as per the schedule declared by the Admisssion Regulating Authority (ARA), Mumbai (Maharashtra State) through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP).
Seats remaining vacant after CAP round: Admission process for the seats remaining vacant will be carried out separately. Schedule will be displayed on the Notice board as well on the web site of the institute. All such seats will be filled by institute strictly on Merit basis at institute level.
Eligibility Criteria 2023-24 (For First Year and Direct Second Year Engineering)
प्रवेश पात्रता :
- १) विद्यार्थी बारावी (उच्च माध्यमिक शालांत परीक्षा ) किंवा equivalent परीक्षेत, फिजिक्स व मॅथेमॅटिक्स या दोन अनिवार्य विषयां सह केमेस्ट्री/बायो टेक्नोलॉजी/बायोलॉजी/ टेक्निकल व्होकेशनल विषय/ कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स/ इंन्फोर्मेशन टेक्नोलॉजी /इंन्फोर्मेटिक्स प्रॅक्टिस / अॅग्रीकल्चरल / इंजिनीअरिंग ग्राफिक्स / बिझिनेस स्टडीज् या पैकी एका सर्वात जास्त गुण असलेला विषय असे तीन विषयांत एकत्रित कमीत कमी शेकडा ४५ टक्के गुण मिळवून उत्तीर्ण असावा. (महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील रहिवासी असलेल्या मागासवर्गीय / इतर मागासवर्गीय / आर्थिक दृष्ट्या दुर्बल / अपंग या प्रवर्गातील विद्यार्थी ४० टक्के गुण मिळवून उत्तीर्ण असणे आवश्यक).
- २) तसेच वरील पात्रता पूर्ण करणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्याने महाराष्ट्र शासनाने निर्धारित केलेल्या नियामक मंडळा द्वारे घेतली जाणारी सामाईक प्रवेश परीक्षा (MHT-CET - 2023) देणे व त्यात नॉन झिरो (शुन्य पेक्षा जास्त ) गुण प्राप्त करणे अनिवार्य आहे. किंवा भारत सरकार यांच्याकडून घेण्यात आलेल्या सामाईक प्रवेश परीक्षा JEE-2023 (Mains) या परीक्षेत नॉन झिरो (शुन्य पेक्षा जास्त ) गुण प्राप्त करणारे विद्यार्थी पात्र असतील.
- ३) केंद्रीयभूत प्रवेशप्रक्रियेत सामील होण्यासाठी नोंदणी (ARC Registration) करणे अनिवार्य आहे.
- ४) इतर पात्रतेच्या आटी व शर्थी साठी प्रथम वर्ष अभियांत्रिकी प्रवेशासाठी आवश्यक पात्रता महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या नियमा नुसार असतील.
Eligibility conditions and requirements for admissions
First Year - Engineering / Technology
(1) Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate:
- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National.
- (ii) Passed HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical or Vocational subjects, and obtained at least 45% marks (at least 40% marks, in case of Backward class categories and Persons with Disability candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only) in the above subjects taken together; and obtained score in CET conducted by the Competent Authority.
Direct Second Year (Lateral Entry)- Engineering and Technology
1) For Maharashtra State Candidature Candidate and All India Candidature Candidate:-
- (i) The Candidate should be an Indian National;
- (ii) Passed Diploma Course in Engineering and Technology with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates of backward class categories and Persons with Disability belonging to Maharashtra State only) in appropriate branch of Engineering and Technology from an All India Council for Technical Education or Central or State Government approved Institution or its equivalent
- Or
- (ii) Passed B.Sc. Degree from a University Grants Commission (UGC) or Association of Indian Universities recognized University with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates of Backward class categories and Persons with Disability belonging to Maharashtra State only) and passed HSC with Mathematics as a subject. Provided that students belonging to this category shall clear the subjects of Engineering Graphics/ Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics of the first year.