Journal Publications
Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. P. N. Patil | "Recognition and Sensing of Cu 2+ and Fe 3+ utilizing Schiff base ligand of diaminoethane Receptor" | "Bulletin of Environment,, Pharmacology and Life Sciences [BEPLS]" | 2023 | 2277-1808 |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | N M Narkhede | "Simple and low-cost Cu2S/TiO2 architecture for 3G ETA solar cell: Fabrication, characterization and their performance" | Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects | 2022 | Elsevier | 2352-507X |
2 | Dr. V. S. Baviskar | "Simple and low-cost Cu2S/TiO2 architecture for 3G ETA solar cell: Fabrication, characterization and their performance" | Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects | 2022 | Elsevier | 2352-507X |
3 | Dr. K. E. Suryawanshi | Adsorption of Magenta Dye on PbO Doped MgZnO: Interpretation of Statistical Physics Parameters Using Double-Layer Models | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2022 | MDPI | 1661-7827 |
4 | Dr. K. E. Suryawanshi | Efficient Cr(VI) and phosphate removal from contaminated water using MnTiFeO nanoflakes: Statistical modeling and interpretation | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | 2022 | Elsevier | 0022-3697 |
5 | Dr. P. N. Patil | "Cordia sebestena leaf extract mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, characterization, and screening of its antimicrobial activities" | Green Analytical Chemistry | 2022 | ScienceDirect | 2772-5774 |
6 | Dr. P. N. Patil | "Synthesis and Characterization of CdS Nanoparticles and Study of its Antibacterial Activity Against Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)" | Chemistry Africa | 2022 | Springer | 2522-5758 |
7 | Dr. Kalpesh Anil Isai | Adsorption of Congo Red dye on CuO nanoparticles synthesized by green method using Nyctanthes arbor-tristis leaf extract: Experimental and theoretical study | International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | 2022 | Wiley | 1097-4601 |
8 | Dr. Kalpesh Anil Isai | Adsorption of Magenta Dye on PbO Doped MgZnO: Interpretation of Statistical Physics Parameters Using Double-Layer Models | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2022 | MDPI | 1661-7827 |
9 | Dr. Kalpesh Anil Isai | Efficient Cr(VI) and phosphate removal from contaminated water using MnTiFeO nanoflakes: Statistical modeling and interpretation | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | 2022 | Elsevier | 0022-3697 |
10 | Dr M S Sonawane | Adsorption of Magenta Dye on PbO Doped MgZnO: Interpretation of Statistical Physics Parameters Using Double-Layer Models | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2022 | MDPI | 1660-4601 |
11 | Dr M S Sonawane | Efficient Cr(VI) and phosphate removal from contaminated water using MnTiFeO nanoflakes: Statistical modeling and interpretation | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | 2022 | ScienceDirect | 1879-2553 |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Mr. Vijay Shivaji Baviskar | Effect of deposition time on photoelectrochemical performance of chemically grown Bi2Se3 –sensitized TiO2 nanostructure solar cells | Journal of Mater Sci: Mater Electron | 2020-2021 | Springer | 1573-482X |
2 | Dr. Kiran Eknath Suryavanshi | Growth mechanism and transport properties of chemically deposited PbxCd1-xS thin film’s photoelectrochemical (PEC) solar cell | Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics | 2020-2021 | Elsevier | 0030-4026 |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
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Conference Publications
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | N M Narkhede | Synthesis acd characterization of ZnSe film by simple successive ionic layer absorption and reaction method (SILAR) | Innovative Sustaniable Practices in Science & Technology (ISPISAT-2022) | International | DNCVPS, Shri Madhukarrao Chaudhari College, Jalgaon |
2 | Dr S V Desale | Boundaty Layer Flow Equations: Numerical Simulation | MAthematical, Moddelling, Simulation and Computational Methods | International | Department of Mathematics, Veer Narmad South Gujrat University, Surat |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr S V Desale | Finite Difference Solution of Boundary Layer Flow Over a Flat Plate with Non Uniform Plate Temprarture | IC GAMS 2K22 | International | Pimpari Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune |
2 | Dr. P. N. Patil | Synthesis, characterization and Anti-MRSA activity of benzimidazole derivatives | International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technological Innovations ICSETI – 2022,Bangkok – Thailand | International | Scientific Research Association Chreso University (CU), Zambia, Southern Africa Research Culture Society&Institute of Science and Technology, Eurasian University |
3 | J S Shaikh | Split Domination number of Dual graph of generalized form of some special graph | National conference on Advances in pure and applied mathematics | National | PG and Reaserch department of mathematics,Malankara catholic college,Tamilnadu |
4 | H. S. Jagtap | "Thermosolutal convection of MHD radiative Casson nanofluid over a vertical plate driven by Arrhenius kinetics with heat source/sink and chemical reaction" | International conference on Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics [ICAPAM-2023] | International | Department of Mathematics, Ganpat University. |
5 | J S Shaikh | Split Domination number of line graph of some special graph | International conference on Emergent techniques and functional materials | International | Faculty of science, Medicaps University,Indore |
6 | Dr K R Thakare | Development of Indian Sci-Fi: A Study | Multidisciplinary national Conference on Creation of Healthy Society, Preaching And Practice | National | SSVP's College of Yogsahstra, Yog Vidya Dham and ELTAI Khandesh Chapter |
7 | Dr. Kishor R Thakare | Science Fiction: A Reflection of a Futuristic Society | Multidisciplinary national Conference on the Changing Dimensions of Sciety, Law and Literature | National | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial College of Law, Deopur Dhule. |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | H. S. Jagtap | Exploration of radiative and chemical reactive MHD Casson-Williamson fluid flow past nonlinear stretching sheet with induced heat source | "International Conference on Evolution in Pure & Applied Mathematics Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda" | International | "Department of Mathematics, Akal University, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab (India)" |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr. Satish Vasantrao Desale | Analysis of deaths of senior citizens due to the Covid-19 | Strength and challenges in Higher education during Covid-19 Lockdown Period in India with reference to World | International | Government Vidarbha Institute of Science and Humanities, Amravati, India |
2 | Dr. Milindkumar Suresh Sonawane | Fundamentals of Supercapacitor and its Applications | Ethical and Quality Aspects in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research | National | Vasantrao Naik Art’s, Commerce and Science College, Shahada, Maharashtra |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Mr. Kishor Ramakant Thakare | AI Machines: A Threat to Human Existence and Society with Special Reference to Robot Science Fiction. | Reflection of Society in Literature: Comtemporay Cuurents | National | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Law, Dhule & Vasantrao Naik college, Shahada, MH, India. |
Applied Sciences & Humanities Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
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Patent & IPR
Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
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Applied Sciences & Humanities Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
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