Department of Electrical Engineering
DTE Choice Code

Prof. Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil
Head of Department
The Department of Electrical Engineering of the R.C. Patel Institute of Technology Shirpur has started in June 2012 under an umbrella of The Shirpur Education Society, Shirpur. The department has highly qualified and experienced faculty with expertise in the areas of Power Quality, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical drives and Electrical Power Systems. The Department has a strong culture of project based learning, which is inculcated in the students through the team of enlightened faculty. The department is well reputed because of its consistent university results, placement and research in very short time.
Electrical Engineering is a core branch of Engineering and plays key role in country's development. The department produces graduates with a wide range of fundamental knowledge in core disciplines such as, control systems, power generation and electrical machines, circuit analysis, high voltage engineering and power system. Emphasis is given on underlying principles and techniques so that graduate engineers will be able to learn and seamlessly adapt to new technologies when they emerge to face future challenges. Electrical engineers design and create devices, systems and equipment which use electricity either as a form of energy or to carry information. Electrical engineering encompasses a broad range of fields concerned with leading edge technologies in many applications.
The department encourages students for MOOCs, NPTEL & SWAYAM certifications of the advanced subjects. The department has assigned a dedicated faculty for overall training and placement activities. The department is fully aligned with central placement departmental activities such as soft skill and aptitude training. The students have also done remarkable progress in the learning of foreign language like Japanese. The department arranges mock interviews, practice sessions on aptitude practice tests etc. to prepare students for placement activities.
The faculty of the department is highly motivated and experienced. They encourage students to participate in various state and national level competitions and events. The students brought laurels in various hackathones such as KPIT sparkle. Electrical Engineers are in high demand in Government sector, Public as well as in Private sector Companies. The department organizes industrial visits in core industries for proper industry exposure to the students. The hands on workshops on the recent trends are organized for the students which are conducted by the industry experts or eminent alumni with required expertise. These visits and workshops are immensely beneficial for the students to understand the current needs of the industry and to make them industry ready. The department has very strong alumni bondage. The alumni always delighted to interact with the students which brings corporate in to campus.
Vision :
To build electrical engineers with a global perspective and a strong dedication to societal service .
Mission :
M1: To transform the students from diverse background into skilled electrical engineers.
M2: To enhance industrial interaction to meet the changing industrial needs.
M3: To serve society with deep awareness of social responsibilities and ethical values.