Journal Publications
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Investigation of Image Enhancement Techniques for Advancing Colon Cancer Diagnosis | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | September 2023 | Elsevier | 2321-8169 |
2 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani Mr. Anupkumar Bhatulal Jayaswal | Improving Kidney Tumor Detection Accuracy Using Hybrid U-Net Segmentation | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | September 2023 | Scopus | 2321-8169 |
3 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Image Enhancement of Colon Cancer Images using a Two-Stage Hybrid Approach of TV and Shift-Invariant Filtering. | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | September 2023 | Scopus | 2321-8169 |
4 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE) | September 2023 | UGC | 0971-3035 |
5 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Enhancing Network Efficiency: A Comprehensive Exploration of FPGA-Implemented Protocols and Performance Evaluation | Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE) | Jan 2024 | UGC | 0971-3035 |
6 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Enhancing Decision Support for Colon Cancer Diagnosis: Power Transforms, Polynomial Features, and Select K Best Classifier in a Decision Analytics Framework | Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE) | Jan 2024 | UGC | 0971-3034 |
7 | Mr. Anupkumar Bhatulal Jayaswal & Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | "Computer Aided Kidney Tumors Segmentation and Detection using U-Net" | Indian Journal of Technical Education (IJTE) | June 2023 | UGC | 0971-3035 |
8 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore Mr. Prashant Maganlal Goad | "A Novel Approach for Detecting Outliers by Using Isolation Forest with Reducing Under Fitting Issue " | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | September 2023 | Scopus | 2321-8169 |
9 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil & Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | A novel approach for brain tissue segmentation and classification in infants' MRI images based on seeded region growing, foster corner detection theory, and sparse autoencoder | Alexandria Engineering Journal | Jun 2023 | Elsevier | 2090-2670 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Dr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Marathi Speech Intelligibility Enhancement Using I-AMS Based Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier Approach for Hearing Aid Users | IEEE Access | Nov 2022 | IEEE | 2169-3536 |
2 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Infant’s MRI Brain Tissue Segmentation using Integrated CNN Feature Extractor and Random Forest | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | Jul 2023 | Auricle Global Society of Education and Research | 2321-8169 |
3 | Ms. Smital Dhanraj Patil Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Machine Learning Approach for Comparative Analysis of De-Noising Techniques in Ultrasound Images of Ovarian Tumors | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | Jan 2023 | Auricle Global Society of Education and Research | 2321-8169 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Design of Multiband Slot Antenna for WLAN | SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering | Jan 2019 | SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2348 - 8549 |
2 | Mr. Pravin Ravindra Bhole Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande Mr. Manoj Lilachand Patel | GPS based Voice Navigation System for Blind People | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Apr 2019 | IJRASET Research and Development Corp, Sonipat, Haryana | 2321-9653 |
3 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | An Energy Efficient Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network using Mobile Sink | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research (JETIR) | 2018-19 | JETIR | 2349-5162 |
4 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Design of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter Using Optimum Short Circuited Stub for Wireless Communication | PROTEUS JOURNAL | Apr-2021 | PROTEUS JOURNAL | 0889-6348 |
5 | Dr. Sagar Arun More Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil | Human Gait Recognition by Fuzzy Representation of Partial Wavelet Coherence | Vidyabharati international interdisciplinary research journal (Special issue 2021), | Oct. 2021. | 2319-4979 | |
6 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani Dr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | Automatic Segmentation of Infant Brain MRI using Soft Computing Techniques | ICTACT Journal of Soft Computing | Apr-22 | ICTACT Academy | 2229-6956 |
7 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Computer-Assisted Diagnosis and Neuroimaging of Baby Infants | Intelligence Enabled Research, Studies in Computational Intelligence | Mar-22 | Springer Verlag | |
8 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Random Forest and Gabor Filter Bank Based Segmentation Approach for Infant Brain MRI | Applied Information Processing Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Feb.2022 | ||
9 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | UWB BPF Using Hybrid Microstrip CPW with DGS Structure For Future Wireless Communication | Science & Technology Journal of Mizoram University | Feb-22 | Mizoram University | 2321-3388 |
10 | Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil | Pose Invariant Face Recognition in Video | Vidyabharati international interdisciplinary research journal (Special issue 2021), | Oct. 2021. | 2319-4979 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | A Comprehensive Study of Harmonic Pollution Measurement and Its Analysis in Large Penetrated Grid Connected Wind | MAPAN-Journal Metrology Society of India (Springer) | Dec-2020 | Springer | 0970-3950 |
2 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Infants Brain Tissue Segmentation using Gaussian Mixture Model in MR Images | International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications | jan- 2021 Special issue | IJARIIT | 2248-9622 |
3 | Mr. Anupkumar Bhatulal Jayaswal Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil | Cancellation and Error Minimization using NLMS Adaptive Filtering Approach | Journal of Xidian University | March 2021 | Journal of Xidian University | |
4 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Mr. Anupkumar Bhatulal Jayaswal | Infant Brain Mri Segmentation Using Soft Computing Approach | LINO JOURNAL,VOLUME 11 ISSUE 03 - 2021 | Mar-2021 | LINO JOURNAL | 0211-2574 |
5 | Dr. Sagar Arun More | Comparison of Encrypted ECG signal in Steganography Using Different Wavelet Transforms | International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM) | Jan-21 | IJARESM Publication | 2455-6211 |
6 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Analysis & Prediction Model for Cardiovascular Disease based on Machine Learning Approaches: A Review | International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity | Nov-2020 | Science and Engg Support Society | 2005-4289 |
7 | Mr. Bhushan Vamanrao Patil | A Review - Signature Verification System Using Deep Learning: A Challenging Problem | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET) | March- April 2021 | (IJSRSET) | 2395-1990 |
8 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Extraction of Atrial Activity using Independent Component Analysis based on Blind Source Separation | LINO JOURNAL | Mar-21 | LINO JOURNAL | 0211-2574 |
9 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Design and Implmentaion of Mixed Signal filter for Continous monitoring of ECG Signal | GORTERIA | Mar-21 | GORTERIA | 0017-2294 |
10 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Dr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Performance investigations of filtering methods for T1 and T2 weighted infant brain MR images | Microsystem Technologies Journal (Springer) | Jan-2021 | Springer | 0946-7076 |
11 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Content Based Image Retrieval using Deep Convolutional Variational Autoencoder | Proteus Journal | Oct-2020 | Proteus Journal | 0889-6348 |
12 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | "SOFT COMPUTING APPROACH BASED MELANOMA DETECTION TECHNIQUES: A REVIEW" | Ethics and Information Technology (ETIT) | Dec-20 | Volkson Press | 66-74 |
13 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil | "Development and Performance Investigations of Classification Algorithm for Skin Melanoma using Random Forest Classifier Approach" | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University | Mar-21 | "Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University ISSN: 1007-1172 UGC-CARE APPROVED (GROUP-II) JOURNAL" | 1007-1172 |
14 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Pose Invariant Face Recognition in Video | Pose Invariant Face Recognition in Video | Aug 2020 | Journal of Xidian University | 1001-2400 |
15 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Content Based Image Retrieval using Deep Convolutional Variational Autoencoder | Proteus Journal | Oct 2020 | Proteus Journal | 0889-6348 |
16 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore and Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil | Pose Invariant Face Recognition in Video | Journal of Xidian University | Aug 2020 | JXU | 1001-2400 |
17 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore and Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Active Contour and Tsallis Entropy Based Hybrid Approach for Automatic Detection of DR Lesion | Journal of Xidian University | Oct 2020 | Journal of Xidian University | 1001-2400 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Semantic image retrieval using random forest-based AdaBoost learning | International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems | Oct 2019 | Inderscience | 1751-5866 |
2 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | "Design, Improvement and Investigation of Neural Frequency Compression Method in Hearing Aid for Marathi Speech" | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | Apr 2020 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 0974-5645 |
3 | Mr. Bhushan Vamanrao Patil | Computational Method for Cotton Plant Disease Detection of Crop Management Using Deep Learning and Internet of Things Platforms | Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. | Aug 2020 | "Springer- Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks Proceedings of ICECMSN 2020" | 2367-4512 ISSN 2367-4520 (electronic) |
4 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Environmental System Based Planning, Development And Performance Analysis Using IOT | Aegaeum Journal | Feb 2020 | Aegaeum Journal | 0776-3808 |
5 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Kernel Based Fcm And Morphological Approach For Segmentation Of Neonates And Premature Infants Brain In MR Images | Aegaeum Journal | Feb 2020 | Aegaeum Journal | 0776-3808 |
6 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | A Novel Hybrid Atlas-free Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation of Newborn Brain MRI using Wavelet Filter Banks | International Journal of Neuroscience | Dec 2019 | Taylor and Francis | 0020-7454 |
7 | Dr. Sagar Arun More, Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil and Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | EEG Artifacts Removal By ICA | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Mar 2020 | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | 2277-8616 |
8 | Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil, Dr. Sagar Arun More and Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Video-based Face Recognition | Journal of Xidian University | Mar 2020 | Journal of Xidian University | 1001-2400 |
9 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav, Dr. Sagar Arun More and Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil | Dual Frequency Effective EM Modeling Of Wire Antenna At 53 Mhz And 435 | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | Mar 2020 | International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research | 2277-8616 |
10 | Dr. Sagar Arun More | Design of Broadband Stacked Patch Antenna for Blue tooth Application | Paripex-Indian Journal of Research | Jul 2019 | Paripex | 2250 - 1991 |
11 | Dr. Sagar Arun More and Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Gait-Based Human Recognition using Partial Wavelet Coherence and Phase Features | Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Science | March 2020 | Elsevier | 1319-1578 |
12 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore and Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Active Contour and Tsallis Entropy Based Hybrid Approach for Automatic Detection of DR Lesion | Journal of Xidian University | Oct 2020 | Journal of Xidian University | 1001-2400 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Design of Multiband Slot Antenna for GPS/Wimax /WLAN Systems | Journal of Engineering Research and Application | May 2019 | Journal of Engineering Research and Application | 2248-9622 |
2 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | An Energy Efficient Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network using Mobile Sink | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research (JETIR) | 2018-19 | JETIR | 2349-5162 |
3 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Hybrid Nature Inspired SMO-GBM Classifier for Exudate Classification on Fundus Retinal Images | Innovation and Research in BioMedical Engineering | Feb 2019 | Elsevier Masson SAS | 1959-0318 |
4 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Modified Morphology and K-NN Classifier Based MicroaneurysmsDetection in Retinal Fundus Images | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) | Nov 2018 | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) | 2454-9150 |
5 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Region Growing based Segmentation using Forstner Corner Detection Theory for Accurate Microaneurysms Detection in Retinal fundus images | IEEE Explore | Aug 2018 | IEEE | |
6 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Mathematical Morphology and W-KNN Classifier based ExudateDetection | Reserach Journey | May 2019 | 2348-7143 | |
7 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | An Accurate Automated Local Similarity Factor-Based Neural Tree Approach toward Tissue Segmentation of Newborn Brain MRI | American Journal of Perinatology | Dec 2018 | Thieme USA | 0735-1631 |
8 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | "MBO-SVM-based exudate classification in fundus retinal images of diabetic patients" | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization | Jun 2018 | Taylor & Francis | 2168-1171 |
9 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | An Atlas-Free Newborn Brain Image Segmentation and Classification Scheme Based on SOM-DCNN with Sparse Auto Encoder | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization | Apr 2019 | Taylor and Francis | 1997-2020 |
10 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Design of Multiband Slot Antenna for GPS/Wimax /WLAN Systems | Journal of Engineering Research and Application | May 2019 | Journal of Engineering Research and Application | 2248-9622 |
11 | Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani | Accurate Detection of ECG Signals in ECG Monitoring Systems by Eliminating the Motion Artifacts and Improving the Signal Quality using SSG Filter with DBE | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers | May 2019 | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers | 0218-1266 |
12 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Performance comparison of contourlet and wavelet transform in denoising of ultrasound image | International Journal of Development Research | 29th October, 2018 | International Journal of Development Research | 2230-9926 |
13 | Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande Mr. Pravin Ravindra Bhole Mr. Manoj Lilachand Patel | Smart Helmet | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Apr 2019 | IJRASET Research and Development Corp, Sonipat, Haryana | 3941-3945 |
14 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | An effective frame-based high frequency speech transposition by using neural network | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing | Jun 2018 | Inderscience Publications | 2052-8477 |
15 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Power Theft Detection in Customer Consumption Using Smart Way | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | Apr 2018 | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | 2395-0056 |
16 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | Design, Improvement and Investigation of Neural Frequency Compression Method in Hearing Aid for Marathi Speech | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | Mar 2019 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 0974-6846 |
17 | Dr. Shailaja Arjun Patil Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | High Dimensional Video-based Face Recognition | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing | Aug 2018 | IJCSSP | 1998-4464 |
18 | Mr. Pravin Ravindra Bhole Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande Mr. Manoj Lilachand Patel | GPS based Voice Navigation System for Blind People | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | Apr 2019 | IJRASET Research and Development Corp, Sonipat, Haryana | 2321-9653 |
19 | Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | Implementation of Arduino UNO Based Two Directional [2D] Plotter | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | Mar 2019 | Fast Science Track Publications | 2395-0056 |
20 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Mobile Sink Based Energy Efficient Data Gathering in WSNs | Research Journey (International Multidisciplinary E-Research Journal) | 2018-19 | Research Journey | 2348-7143 |
21 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection using Optimized Round Policy in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal for Research in Electronics & Computer Engineering (IJRECE) | 2018-19 | IJRECE | 2348-2281 |
22 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Energy Effiicient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks using Dynamic Hyper Round Policy and ACO | International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing | 2018-19 | Inder Science | 2052-8485 |
23 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Cluster Head Selection using Optimized Round Policy in Wireless Sensor Networks | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) | 2018-19 | IJREAM | 2454-9150 |
24 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Modified Local Tetra Pattern for Content Based Image Retrieval | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | Apr 2019 | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | 1076-5131 |
25 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Rotation Invariant Local Derivative Patterns for Image Retrieval and Indexing | Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | Mar 2019 | Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems | 1943-023X |
26 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | An overview of Semantic Gap Reduction Techniques for Content Based Image Retrieval | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews | Mar 2019 | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), | 2349-5138 |
Conference Publications
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | ResNet-Based Deep Learning for Precise Colon Cancer Detection: Empowering Early Diagnosis through Image Analysis | International Conference Sustainable Multidisciplinary Advances in Research and Technology (SMART 2023) | International | Mauli Group of Institutions College of Engineering and Technology, Shegaon |
2 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Leveraging Transfer Learning with VGG 16 for Accurate Lung & Colon Cancer Classification in Medical Imaging | International Conference Sustainable Multidisciplinary Advances in Research and Technology (SMART 2023) | International | Mauli Group of Institutions College of Engineering and Technology, Shegaon |
3 | Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Innovative Approach to Lung Nodule Detection using Random Walker Segmentation and Texture Analysis on CT Images | 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Technically Sponsored by IEEE) | International | Department of ECE and Department of CSE at Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India |
4 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Efficient Net-Based Model for Colon Cancer Detection | International Conference on Digital Technology Vision 2030: Transforming Healthcare, Education and Industry | International | Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering , Shirpur Campus |
5 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil Dr. Mahesh Bhimsham Dembrani Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil | "Automatic Detection of DR Lesion using Active Contour and Tsallis Entropy Based Blended Approach" | "International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (Technically Sponsored by IEEE)" | International | "Department of ECE and Department of CSE at Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India" |
6 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | "An Analysis of Machine Learning and Image Processing Techniques for Early Detection of Lung Cancer " | The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences | International | 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences (ASEC2023) |
7 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | A Technical Review on compact Microstrip Filtering Antenna | The 8th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations (ICERI-2023)” | International | Terna Engineering College (TEC), Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
8 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | "A Survey Paper on Wearable Antenna for Biotelemetry Wireless Communication" | The 8th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations (ICERI-2023)” | International | Terna Engineering College (TEC), Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
9 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | "A Survey and Comprehensive Analysis on Early Detection of Lung cancer using Machine Learning and Image Processing" | The 8th International Conference on Engineering Research and Innovations (ICERI-2023)” | International | Terna Engineering College (TEC), Nerul, Navi Mumbai |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | Study of Wearable Antenna for Biotelemetry Wireless Communication | 2023 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology & Applications | International | EEE Malaysia Industrial Electronics / Industrial Applications Joint Chapter |
2 | Mr. Kiran Hilal Sonawane | Multiband Slot antenna with DGP for future wireless communications | International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology 2022 | National | VIT,Pune,Maharashtra |
3 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Comparative Analysis of Image Enhancement Approaches for Infants Brain MR Images | 2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022) | International | Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India |
4 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil , Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Performance Investigation of Image Quality improvement approaches for Brain MR Images of Infant | 2nd International Conference on “Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE 2022) | International | Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | National | ||||
2 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Automatic Segmentation of Infants Brain MR Images | Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering | International | RKGIT Delhi |
3 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Infant Brain MRI Segmentation using Ridgelet and Framelet Transform | International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends and Techniques in Mathematical and Computer Science | International | Government Degree College, Darhal, Jammu and Kashmir, India & Cape Comorin Trust, India & Lavender Literary Club, India & Cape Comorin Publisher |
4 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | “A Comprehensive Study of Colorectal Cancer Detection Methods based on Image Processing” | (IC-CCDS-2022) | International | Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai |
5 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Medical Image De-Noising Using Non Local Means Filtering | IC-CCDS-2022 | International | Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai |
6 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Colon Cancer Detection | (IC-CCDS-2022) | International | Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai |
7 | Ms. Smital Dhanraj Patil , Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Automated Classification of Ovarian tumor using GLCM and Tamura Features | International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, manufacturing and Machine Learning (RAMMML-2022) | International | Yashwantrao Chavan COE, Nagpur in Association with Institution of Engineers |
8 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil , Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Colon Cancer Detection –Challenges, Issues and Application | International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends and Techniques in Mathematical and Computer Science | International | Government Degree College, Darhal, Jammu and Kashmir, India & Cape Comorin Trust, India & Lavender Literary Club, India & Cape Comorin Publisher |
9 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | DESIGN OF NOVEL BANDPASS FILTER USING OPTIMUM SHORT CIRCUITED STUB TECHNIQUE FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION | Internat ional Conference on Mul t idisiplinary Research & Development (ICMRD-21 ) | National | Manav Knowledge City, Akola |
10 | Mr. Kiran Hilal Sonawane | Design & Development of Filtering Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement | International Conference on Emerging Trend in Engineering and Technology | International | Sandeep Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik |
11 | Ms. Smital Dhanraj Patil,Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Comparative Analysis of Image De-noising in Ultrasound Images of Ovarian Masses | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2021) | International | Sandip Foundation, Nashik |
12 | Mr. Pravin Ravindra Bhole | Harmonic Rejection in Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna using Defected Ground Structure | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2021) | International | Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik and IFERP |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Recuperation of images using broaden local tetra pattern | International Conference ICETEST-2021 | International | Govt COE Jalgaon |
2 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Infants Brain Tissue Segmentation using Gaussian Mixture Model in MR Images | Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering | International | RKGIT Delhi |
3 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | A Comprising Study on modernization of Electric Vehicle Subsystems Challenges Opportunities and strategies for its further Development | Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering | International | Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, |
4 | Dr. Sagar Arun More | Analysis of Encrypted ECG Signal in Steganography Using Wavelet Transforms | Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2021) | International | GR Foundation |
5 | Dr. Jagadish Baburao Jadhav | National Education Policy –2020: Road Ahead for DBATU | DBATU, Lonere, Raigad, Maharashtra, India. | National | DBATU, Lonere, Raigad, Maharashtra, India. |
6 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Automatic Segmentaion of Infants Brain MR Images: Challenges, Approches and Applications | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology | International | Govt. College of Engineering, Jalgaon MS |
7 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | SVM AND RANDOM FOREST BASED HYBRID TISSUE SEGMENTATION APPROACH FOR INFANT BRAIN MRI | International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering & Technology-2020-21 | International | SSBT's College of Engineering & Technology, Jalgaon M.S. India |
8 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil & Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Random Forest and Gabor Filter Bank based Segmentation Approach for Infant Brain MRI | Springer (ICCET-2021(International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology) is the 6th Edition of DBATU Conference Series organised by Department of E & TC Engineering | International | DBATU Department of E & TC Engineering Maharashtra, India |
9 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Exudate Detection in Retinal Images using WKNN | International Conference ICETEST-2021 | International | Govt COE Jalgaon |
10 | Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande & Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | A brief analysis of the diagnosis of lung cancer | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology | International | Research and Development Cell, Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India |
11 | Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande & Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Comparative Study of Filtering Techniques on Lung CT Images | International Conference on Advancement in Electronics and Communication Engineering(AECE-2021) | International | Rajkumar Goel Institute of Technology, Gaziabad, UP, India |
12 | Mr. Pravin Ravindra Bhole | A review on harmonic suppression techniques for microstrip patch antenna | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology (ICETEST) 2021 | International | Govt College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India |
13 | Mr. Narendra Lalchand Lokhande | Lung CT Image Segmentation: A convolutional Neural Network Approach | International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies | International | ICTCS2020, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India |
15 | Ms. Smital Dhanraj Patil | Detection of Ovarian Masses -A Survey | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology | National | Research and Development cell under TEQIP Phase-III at Govt. COE, Jalgaon |
16 | Mr. Bhushan Vamanrao Patil | A Review - Signature Verification System Using Deep Learning: A Challenging Problem | National conference on engineering System design & optimisation (CESDO_2021) | National | G. H. Raisoni college of Engg. & management, Ahmednager, maharashtra |
17 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil | Automatic Segmentation of Infant Brain MRI using Soft Computing Techniques | Advance in Electronics and Communication Engineering(AECE-2021) | International | Rajkumar Goel Institute of Technology,Gaziabad |
18 | Mr. Jitendra Prakash Patil | Design and implementation of the NLMS adaptive filter for error minimization and cancellation | Advance in Electronics and Communication Engineering(AECE-2021) | International | Rajkumar Goel Institute of Technology,Gaziabad |
19 | Ms. Smital Dhanraj Patil and Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore | Comparative Analysis of Image De-noising in Ultrasound Images of Ovarian Masses | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2021) | International | Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management, Nashik |
20 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil | Automatic Infant's Brain MR Images Soft Tissue Segmentation Method: A Review | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2020) | International | Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management on at Nashik, Maharashtra |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Automatic Infant’s Brain MR Images Soft Tissue Segmentation Method: A Review | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology | National | SIEM Nasik |
2 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware Mr. Prashant Maganlal Goad | Analysis and prediction model for cardio-vascular disease based on machine learning approaches: A Review | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2020) | International | Sandip Institute of Engineering and Management Nashik, Maharashtra |
3 | Mr. Vinodkumar Ramesh Patil Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Deformed morphology-based approach for accurate segmentation of brain MR images of infants | National Conference on Recent Development in science, Engineering and Technology (RDSET-2019) | National | Thakur Shivkumarsingh Memorial Engineering College Burhanpur, M.P. India |
4 | Mr. Bhushan Vamanrao Patil | Computational Method for Cotton Plant Disease Detection of Crop Management Using Deep Learning and Internet of Things Platforms | International Conference on Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks- (ICECMSN 2020) | International | Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Off. Int. Airport Road, Bangalore.Karnataka |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware | Design and Development of Classification Algorithm for Brain MR Images of Neonates and Premature Infants: A Soft Computing Approach | PhD Symposium MIND-2019 | International | NIT Kurukshetra |
2 | Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Mathematical morphology & W-kNN classifier based Exudate detection | A Mutlidisciplinary National Conference on Management, Engineering & Science | National | KCE's College of Engineering and Information Technology, Jalgaon |
3 | Prof. Pramod Jagan Deore Mr. Ravindra Daga Badgujar | Region growing based segmentation using Forstner corner detection theory for accurate microaneurysms detection in retinal fundus images | International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation (ICCUBEA-2018) | International | Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune |
Patent & IPR
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
1 | Mr. Bhushan Vamanrao Patil | Patent | Utility | International | Co- Investigator | Australian Government IP Office | 2021101576 | Utility | Granted |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |