Library Committee

Library Committee

The Constitution of Library Committee is as follows:

Sr. No. Name Designation Position
1 Prof. Dr. Jayantrao Bhaurao Patil Chairman Head of Institute
2 Prof. Dr. Pramod Jagan deore Dy. Director Member
3 Prof. Dr. Prashant Gorakh Patil  Assistant. Professor, Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engg. Member
4 Prof. Prashant Mangalal Goad Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engg. Member
5 Prof. Manisha Sahantaram Patil Assistant. Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Member
6 Prof. Sagar Uttamrao More Assistant. Professor, Department of Computer Engineering Member
7 Prof. Nilesh A. Patil Assistant. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Member
8 Prof. Yogeshkumar Raghunath Pathak Assistant. Professor (Mechanical Engineering) Member
9 Prof.Lomesh M. Mahajan Assistant. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Member
10 Prof. Yogesh Kalidas Kirange Assistant Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering Member
11 Prof. Dr. Narayan Narkhede Assistan Professor, Department of First Year Engineering Member
12 Prof. Harshal Subhashrao Jagtap Assistant Professor, Department of First Year Engineering Member
13 Mr. Mahesh Diliprao Sonawane Secretary Librarian

Library Committee of RCPIT


Role and Responsibilities:

  • To find need of procurement of books, magazines, journals & e -books at the start of each semester with help of Librarian & Concern faculty.
  • Set and implement policy for circulation and use of library resources.
  • To ensure that all the books are available in library (with sufficient quantities) as per the demand of students and faculty.
  • To upgrade library titles according to university curriculum.
  • To ensure that the books, magazines, journals, newspapers are properly maintained and placed in library by taking surprise visit any time during library working hours.
  • To verify Library DSR after the end of each semester. The report of should be submitted to the principal.
  • To check the books, magazines, journals are in good conditions and if necessary should undergo bindings.
  • To ensure studious & user friendly environment in Library.
  • To ensure that of reprography machine is working and maintained properly.
  • To extend library facilities with e resources & provide a Career/Employment Information/ Services.
  • To maintain cleanliness inside & and outside the library and provide suitable atmosphere for reading and searching.
  • Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to academic departments.
  • Conducting user surveys periodically for smoother functioning of library.
  • Set policy for student behavior in the library.
  • To formulate action plan for the development of library infrastructure, facilities, products and services.