Journal Publications
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
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Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Prof. Patil Bhushan Yograj | Characterization of Shape and Size-Dependent Chemical and Thermal Stability of Phase Change Materials for Energy Storage Application Dependent Chemical and Thermal Stability of Phase Change Materials for Energy Storage Application Dependent Chemical and T | Scopus SSRN- Elsevier | April 2024 | 15565068 | |
3 | Prof. Chaudhari Kiran Dinkar, Prof. Saner Kapil Ashokrao | SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE: ENHANCING CI ENGINES WITH GREEN-SYNTHESIZED NANOPARTICLES AND BIODIESEL | ShodhKosh | April 2024 | 2582-7472 | |
4 | Prof. Yeole Sunil Vasudev | Design and Implementation of Solar Collector Tracking System:A Review | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science | 1 January 2024 | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science | |
5 | Prof. Patil Pradip Kailas,Rishi Dewangan, Hement K. Wagh | Natural refrigerants and its application: a comprehensive review | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science | 23 April 2024 | 2456-3463 | |
6 | Prof. Patil Pradip Kailas,Rishi Dewangan, Hement K. Wagh | Performance Of A Vapour Compression Refrigeration System Using Different Concentrations Of Go Nanolubricants And A Safe Charge Of R600a Refrigerant | Migration Letters | 19 January 2024 | Migration Letters & The London Publishers | ISSN: 1741-8984 |
7 | Prof. Jamadar Pradip Darbarsing, Rajeev Sharma, Hement K. Wagh | Influence of ammonium polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of coconut shell powder-reinforced PLA | International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Science | 23 April 2024 | 2456-3463 | |
8 | Prof. Jamadar Pradip Darbarsing, Rajeev Sharma, Hement K. Wagh | Overview On Fire Retardant Of Jute Fibers And Its Mechanical Behaviour Using Boric Acid | Migration Letters | 19 January 2024 | Migration Letters & The London Publishers | ISSN: 1741-8984 |
9 | Saner Kapil Ashokrao | Design and Analysis of Ventilation System for Closed Poultry House in Tropical Climate Conditions | Journal of World’s Poultry Research | Sept 2023 | Scienceline Publication, Ltd | ISSN: 2322-455X |
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | "Prof. P L Sarode Dr. S D Suryawanshi" | Evaluating Frontal Crash Test of Developed Vehicle Chassis Frame Structure to Identify Crashworthiness Through Scaled Model for Injury Reduction | Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications | Jun 2022 | Mathematical and Research Society | 2094-0343 |
2 | Prof. R D Sandhanshiv | "Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Nickel Coated Carbon Fibre Rod Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material for Using in Automobile Application" | "Advanced Engineering Forum" | Jun 2022 | Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | 2234-991X |
3 | "Prof. K D Chaudhari,Dr. N P Salunke, Dr. V R Diware" | "Multi objective optimization of diesel engine performance and emission characteristics using taguchi-grey relational analysis" | International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Exploration | Mar 2023 | Accent Social and Welfare Society | 2394-5443 |
4 | "Prof. S V Yeole, Dr. A. U. Awate, Dr. C R Patil" | Investigate the impact of Riser Tube Shape Variations on Flat Plate Solar Water Heater Performance Using CFD Analysis. | "Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications" | Jun 2022 | Mathematical and Research Society | 2094-0343 |
5 | "Prof. P L Sarode, Dr. S D Suryawanshi" | Analysis of vehicle accidents in a parameter of quantitative study and evaluation of safety parameters | Materials Today: Proceedings | Sep 2022 | Elsevier Ltd. | |
6 | "Prof. Kailas D. Deore Dr. N P. Salunke, Dr. P G. Damle" | Phase change materials (PCMs) in solar still: - a review of use to improve productivity of still | Materials Today: Proceedings | May 2023 | Elsevier Ltd. | |
7 | "Prof. Y R Pathak, Dr. N P. Salunke, Dr. P G. Damle" | Effect of nano materials for the nano fluids in solar thermal energy: A review on applications in solar collector | Materials Today: Proceedings | Apr 2023 | Elsevier Ltd. |
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Dr. Nitin Girdhar Shinde | "Poly Ether Ether Ketone-Cobalt incorporated Zinc Oxide Nanomaterial: Synthesis, Characterization and Tribological Behaviour" | Materials Today: Proceedings | May 2022 | Other Peer Review Journal | |
2 | Mr. Pradip Darbarsing Jamadar | Review on development of false ceiling material from coconut shell powder reinforced PLA with increase fire retardancy | AIP Conference Proceedings | May 2022 | Scopus Indexed Journal | |
3 | "Prof. K D Chaudhari ,Dr. V R Diware ,Dr. Nilesh P. Salunke" | "A Comprehensive Review on Performance Improvement of Diesel and Biodiesel fueled CI Engine using Additives" | International Journal of Performability Engineering | Sep 2021 | Totem Publ. USA | 0973-1318 |
4 | "Prof. R D Sandhanshiv , Dr. D M Patel" | "Design and fabrication of an adjustable stirring and degassing system for synthesis of metal matrix composite material" | "Materials Today: Proceedings" | Dec 2021 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2214-7853 |
5 | "Prof. N G Shinde, Dr. D M Patel" | Surface Modification of Polymeric Nanocomposites of Poly Ether Ether Ketone and Zinc Oxide for Tribological Analysis in Automobile Applications | "International Journal of Mechanical Engineering" | Dec 2021 | Kalahari Journals | 0974-5823 |
6 | "Prof. N G Shinde, Dr. D M Patel" | "Polymeric nanocomposite of PEEK and nickel incorporated ZnO: Synthesis, charachterization and tribological behavior" | "Materials Today: Proceedings" | Dec 2021 | Elsevier Ltd. | 2214-7853 |
7 | "Prof. Sunil V. Yeole, Sandeep M Patil ,Yogeshwar J Vaidya" | Performance Analysis of Flat Plate Solar Water Collector using Different Shapes of Riser Tubes: A Review | "International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)" | Jan 2022 | Fast Track Publications, TN | |
8 | "Prof. P S Patil, Dr. D R Pangavhane, Dr. S P Shekhawat, Dr D S Deshmukh" | Development of an IOT based solar Banana dryer monitoring and Control system | "International Journal of Mechanical Engineering" | Jan 2022 | Kalahari Journals | 0974-5823 |
9 | "Prof. K D Chaudhari, Dr. V R Diware, Dr. Nilesh P. Salunke" | Effects of additives on Biodiesel combustion characteristics and pollutant formation | "PRATIBHA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, SPIRITUALITY, BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY (IJSSBT)" | Jan 2022 | SSBT CoET, Bambhori Jalgaon | 2277-7261 |
10 | "Prof. K A Saner , Dr. S P Shekhawat" | Heat Stress in Tropical Climates Has an Effect on Poultry Birds: A Review | "PRATIBHA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, SPIRITUALITY, BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY (IJSSBT)" | Jan 2022 | SSBT CoET, Bambhori Jalgaon | 2277-7261 |
11 | "Prof. B Y Patil, Dr. Nilesh P. Salunke , Dr. Vijay R. Diware" | Solar Absorption Refrigeration Systems Use Productive Thermal Storage PCMs: Review | "PRATIBHA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, SPIRITUALITY, BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY (IJSSBT)" | Jan 2022 | SSBT CoET, Bambhori Jalgaon | 2277-7261 |
12 | "Prof. K A Saner ,Dr. S P Shekhawat" | Mathematical Modeling of Ventilation System for Closed Poultry House in Tropical Climate Conditions | "International Journal of Mechanical Engineering" | Apr 2022 | Kalahari Journals | 0974-5823 |
13 | "Prof. Sunil V. Yeole ,Yogeshwar J Vaidya, Sandeep M Patil" | Analyze the Effect of Various Shapes of Riser Tubes on Flat Plate Solar Water Heater Efficiency | "International Journal of Mechanical Engineering" | Apr 2022 | Kalahari Journals | 0974-5823 |
14 | "Prof. P K Patil Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta Dr. Priya Mathur" | Enhancing refrigeration system efficiency by the use of nanorefrigerants/nanolubricants: a comprehensive review | "AIP Conference Proceedings 2393" | May 2022 | Elsevier Ltd. | |
15 | "Prof. S P Badgujar, Mr. C S Kumar Dr. H K Wagh" | Recent Advances in Photovoltaic Cooling and Performance Improvement of the Integration of Phase Change Materials Based Systems: A Review | "AIP Conference Proceedings 2393" | May 2022 | Elsevier Ltd. |
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Prof. Kumbhar Anil Hiralal, Prof. B Y Patil, Prof. V M Patil, Prof. P K Patil | Experimental Analysis of Preheating Effect on VCR System Before Compression | Journal of LINO | Mar 2021 | Journal of LINO | 02111-2574 |
2 | Prof. Kiran Dinkar Chaudhari, Prof. Juber A Khatik, Prof. Bhushan Y Patil | Performance Comparison of a Stainless Steel Heat Pipe with Heat Rejection to still water condenser | Journal of Xidian University | Mar 2021 | Science Press | 1001-2400 |
3 | Prof. Vijayendra M Patil, Prof. Pradi K Patil, Prof. A H Kumbhar, Dr. Hemant Krishnarao Wagh | Experimental Investigation and validation of an Orificemeter through CFD Analysis (EIAVOAOTCA) | Lino Journal | Mar 2021 | Lino Journal | 0211-2574 |
4 | Prof. Kailas Dhanraj Deore, Prof. Yogesh R Pathak, Prof. Rahul D Sandhanshiv, Prof. Rohan R Ozarkar | FEM analysis of connecting rod of 4-s Engine | Lino Journal | Lino Journal | Lino Journal | 0211-2574 |
5 | "Prof. Yogesh Raghunath Pathak Prof. K D Deore, Prof. R D Sandhanshiv, Prof. R R Ozarkar" | Effect of Flow Coefficient on the Flow of Fluid in Centrifugal Blower | Lino Journal | Mar 2021 | Lino Journal | 0211-2574 |
6 | Prof. Nilesh Arun Patil, Prof. P V Baviskar, Prof. V B Jadhav, Prof. N M Shinde | Dynamic analysis of double wishbone suspension system | Lino Journal | Mar 2021 | Lino Journal | 0211-2574 |
7 | Prof. Pankaj Valmik Baviskar, Prof. K A Saner, Prof. N A Patil, Prof. V B Jadhav, Prof. N M Shinde | Experimental and CFD analysis of Bernoulli’s theorem | Lino Journal | Mar 2021 | Lino Journal | 0211-2574 |
8 | Prof. Krushna Devidas Koshti | Review of heat exchanger for subcooling of liquid nitrogen in GM cryocooler | International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | Jul 2021 | International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | 2454-132X |
9 | Prof. Bhushan Youraj Patil Prof. V M Patil Prof. A H Kumbhar | A Review of Design and Analysis of air Powered BI-Cycle | Journal of LINO | Mar 2021 | Journal of LINO | 02111-2574 |
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Prof. R. D. Sandhanshiv, Prof. N. G. Shinde, Dr. H. K. Wagh, Prof. S. P. Badgujar | Design and development of deployment mechanism for 1 meter resolution space telescope | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), | Apr 2020 | Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC) | 2249–6890 |
2 | Mr Rahul D Sandhanshiv, Mr Nitin G Shinde, Dr H K Wagh, Mr Sachin P Badgujar | Dynamics of Deployment Mechanism for 1 Meter Resolution Space Telescope | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development | 2019 | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development | 2249–6890 |
3 | Mr Yogesh R Pathak, Mr Kailas D Deore, Mr Rohan R Ozarkar | Effect of Impeller Parameters on the Flow Inside the Centrifugal Blower using CFD | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | 2019 | Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) | 2277-3878 |
4 | Mr Vijayendra M Patil, Dr Hemant K Wagh, Mr Sachin P Badgujar | CFD Modeling And Study Of Combustion In DI Diesel Engine For Different Grid Generation | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2019 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2349-5162 |
5 | Mr Sachin P Badgujar, Dr Hemant K Wagh, Mr Pradip D Jamadar, Mr Vijayendra M Patil | Computational Analysis of Group Nozzle for Single Outlet for Constant Discharge | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2019 | Fast Track Publications | 2395-0056 |
6 | Mr Kiran D Chaudhari, Dr Hemant K Wagh | Biodiesel as alternative fuel for Compression Ignition engines: A review | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2019 | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2349-5162 |
7 | Dr H K Wagh, Dr G R Desale | Experimental Investigation on Performance of Helical Spring Lock Washer Under Different Operating Conditions | Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention | 2019 | Springer | 1547-7029 |
Mechanical Engineering Research:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Journal | Year of Publication | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN Number |
1 | Prof. P.L.Sarode | "Design and Fabrication of Forklift with Multi- Directional Wheel" | "International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) " | Apr 2019 | ESS Research Publications | 2319-8753 |
2 | Prof P D Jamadar | A Review on Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Characterization of sisal fiber reinforced composites | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) | Augest -2018 | Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC) | ISSN (E): 2249-8001 |
3 | Prof P D Jamadar | Characterization of Banana Fiber Reinforced with PLA Composites and its effect on Copper Nano Powder | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) | Augest -2018 | Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC) | ISSN (E): 2249-8001 |
Conference Publications
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location | |
Data not updated yet. |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Prof. Yeole Sunil Vasudev | Design and Implementation of Solar Collector Tracking System:A Review | One Day Online Internatinal Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology ( ICRAEST-2024 ) | International | Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra |
2 | Prof. Patil Pradip Kailas,Rishi Dewangan, Hement K. Wagh | Natural refrigerants and its application: a comprehensive review | One Day Online Internatinal Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology ( ICRAEST-2024 ) | International | Godavari Foundation's Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon,Maharashtra |
3 | Prof. Jamadar Pradip Darbarsing,Dr.Rajeev Sharma,Dr. Hement K. Wagh | Influence of ammonium polyphosphate on the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of coconut shell powder-reinforced PLA | One Day Online Internatinal Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology ( ICRAEST-2024 ) | International | Godavari Foundation's Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon |
4 | Prof. Patil Manoj Rajan,Dr. S D Suryawanshi | Performance of Natural Ventilation System in Winter Season | Inventions and Innovations in Science and Technology (I2ST-2K24) | National | Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra |
5 | Prof. Shinde Nilesh Mohan, Dr. Himanshu Borade | A comprehensive review on performance enhancement of solar air heater with augmented V configuration ribs. | 3rd International E-conference on Mechanical and material Science Engineering : Innovation and Research | International | Sandip Foundation Nasik, |
6 | Prof. Jamadar Pradip Darbarsing,Dr.Rajeev Sharma,Dr. Hement K. Wagh | “Fire Retardant of Jute Fibers and its Mechanical Behaviors using Boric Acid" | 3rd International Convention on Green Environment, Technology & Entrepreneurship through Innovation (ICGETEI - 2023) | International | Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur |
7 | Prof. Dr. Shinde Nitin Girdhar,Prof. N A Patil,Prof. P V Baviskar,Prof. P S Patil | Investigation on Preparation and Tribology of Poly Ether Ether Ketone Nanocomposite with Transition Metal Doped Zirconium Dioxide | 3 rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | International | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. |
8 | Prof. Patil Pradip Kailas,Dr. Rishi Dewangan,Dr. Hemant Krishnarao Wagh | Experimental investigation of ZnO / Tio2 nano composite particles in domestic refrigerator | 3rd International Convention on Green Environment, Technology & Entrepreneurship through Innovation (ICGETEI - 2023) | International | Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Dr. Pandit S. Patil Dr.G.Shanmugapriya | An Innovative Method for Optimizing Photovoltaic Array Design in Partially Shaded Environments | Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT) | International | K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu |
2 | Prof. Pradip D Jamadar | Reinforced Conductive plymer composite using natural fibre | 1st national conference on Cases of sustainable engineering solutions | National | GHR Inst. Of Engg. And Business Management, Jalgaon |
3 | Prof. Pradip D Jamadar | Development of New trends in natuarla fibres as a mechanical applications | 1st national conference on Cases of sustainable engineering solutions | National | GHR Inst. Of Engg. And Business Management, Jalgaon |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Mr. Juber Ahamad Khatik | Effects of Nanoparticles on the Thermal Performance of Solar Energy Applications--A Review | "International Conference On Futuristic Developments In Mechanical Sciences And Technology (ICFDMST 2021) " | International | "Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s Institute of Technology (SVKM’s IOT), Dhule" |
2 | Mr. Kiran Dinkar Chaudhari | Prospects for Biodiesel Production in India | "International Conference On Futuristic Developments In Mechanical Sciences And Technology (ICFDMST 2021) " | International | "Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s Institute of Technology (SVKM’s IOT), Dhule" |
3 | Mr. Kiran Dinkar Chaudhari | Effects of Additives on Biodiesel Combustion Characteristics and Pollutant Formation | International Conference on Global Trends in Science, Technology, Humanities, Commerce & Management, ICGTSTHCM 2022 | International | SSBT’s, College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, Maharashtra |
4 | Mr. Pradip Kailas Patil | "Natural refrigerants and its application: a comprehensive review” | "International Conference on Advanced Material in Innovative Technology (AMITY-2022)"" held during April 5-7, 2022 at Amity University, Jaipur" | International | " Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India" |
5 | Mr. Yogeshkumar Raghunath Pathak | "Recent Advances on the Effect of Nanofluids in Solar Thermal Energy: A Review " | International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Sciences and Technology (ICFDMST 2021) | International | SVKM IoT, Dhule |
6 | Mr. Pradip Darbarsing Jamadar | Mechanical properties of Kevlar reinforced Epoxy composite with Copper Nano Powder | 2nd International Convention on Green Environment, Technology & Entrepreneurship through Innovation (ICGETEI 2022) March 03rd - 05th, 2022 at Amity University, Jaipur | International | " Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India" |
7 | Mr. Pradip Darbarsing Jamadar | "Overview on Fire Retardant of Jute Fibers and its Mechanical Behaviour using Boric Acid" | "International Conference on Advanced Material in Innovative Technology (AMITY-2022)"" held during April 5-7, 2022 at Amity University, Jaipur" | International | " Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India" |
8 | Mr. Kapil Ashokrao Saner | Effect of Heat Stress on Poultry Birds in Tropical Climate Conditions: A Review | International Conference on Global Trends in Engineering, Technology and Management 1 - 3 January, 2022 | International | SSBT's COET, Bambhori ,Jalgaon |
9 | Mr. Kailas Dhanraj Deore | Use of phase change material to increase solar still productivity- A review | International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Sciences and Technology (ICFDMST 2021) | International | SVKM IoT, Dhule |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Prof. Pandit Subhash Patil | Design & development of solar banana dryer using non-edible oil | International conference on Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSTEESD-20) | International | G H RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Nagpur, Maharashtra, INDIA |
2 | Prof. Manoj Rajan Patil | Developments in natural ventilation: a survey | International conference on Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSTEESD-20) | International | G H RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Nagpur, Maharashtra, INDIA |
3 | Prof. Pradip Darbarsing Jamadar | "Comprehensive review on Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Characterization of Coconut Shell Powder Reinforced Composites” in the """ | " International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering"" held during April 23-24, 2021 at MNIT Jaipur" | International | Malaviya National Institute of Technology |
4 | Prof. Pradip Darbarsing JamadarDr. Hemant Krishnarao Wagh | Review on Development of False Ceiling Material from Coconut Shell Powder Reinforced LA with Increase Fire Retardancy | RSRI Conference on Recent trends in Science and Engineering (RSRI CRSE 2021: Fourth Edition) | International | REST Labs and REST Society for Research International |
5 | Dr. Hemant Krishnarao Wagh | Enhancing refrigeration system efficiency by the use of nanorefrigerants/nanolubricants: a comprehensive review | RSRI Conference on Recent trends in Science and Engineering (RSRI CRSE 2021: Fourth Edition) | International | REST Labs and REST Society for Research International |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Mr Nitin G Shinde, Dr Dilip M Patel | Polypropylene Nanocomposites as Promising Material in Automotive Applications: A Brief Study | National Conference on Synthesis, Characterisation of Promising Nano-materials for Energy and Environmental Application | National | KVNSP's Arts, Commerce and Science College Nasik |
2 | Mr Nitin G Shinde | A Short Review on Automobile Dashboard Materials | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modelling | International | SVKM NMIMS Shirpur |
3 | Mr Rahul D Sandhanshiv, Dr D N Patel | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modelling | International | SVKM NMIMS Shirpur | |
4 | Mr Tejas Pawar , Mr Pradip D Jamadar, Mr Yogeshwar Chaudhari | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing, Engines and Modelling | International | SVKM NMIMS Shirpur | |
5 | Mr. Pradip D Jamadar, Dr. P G Damale | Mechanical Properties of Kevlar reinforced Epoxy composite with Copper Nano Powder | International Conferences on Global Trends in Science Technology, Humanities, Commerce and Management | International | College of Engineering and Technology,. Bhambhori |
6 | Mr. Kapil A Saner, Dr. Sanjay P Shekhawat | A Study of Operational Parameters of Poultry Houses To Reduce Heat Stress Effect under the Tropical Climate Conditions | International Conferences on Global Trends in Science Technology, Humanities, Commerce and Management | International | SSBT's COET, Bambhori ,Jalgaon |
Mechanical Engineering Conference:
Sr. No. | Name of Author/s | Title of Paper | Name of Conference | National/International | Organizing Agency/Institution & Location |
1 | Ms Anupama Rajput, Mr Pradip D Jamadar, Mr Vishal Fegade | Characerization of Banana Fiber Reinforced with PLA Composite and its effect of copper Nano Powder | Recent trends in Science and Engineering | International | REST Society for Research International |
2 | Mr Pradip D Jamadar, Mr Nikhil Kulkarni, Mr Prashant Patil | A Review on Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological characherization of sisal Fiber | Recent trends in Science and Engineering | International | REST Society for Research International |
Patent & IPR
Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
1 | Prof. Dr. Sandanshiv Rahul Dilip,K.D.Deore, Y.R. Pathak, Dr. N. G. shinde | Copyright | Specimen preparation for ACM/Edax analysis | International | Main Inventor | Registered Office Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Other Country | L-124775/2023 | ||||
2 | Prof. Chaudhari Kiran Dinkar | Copyright | PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF A DIESEL ENGINE FUELED WITH BIODIESEL DOPED WITH GREEN SYNTHESIZED CALCIUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES | International | Main Inventor | Registered Office Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Other Country | L-148371/2024 | Published | 26/03/2024 | 9202/2024-CO-L | |
3 | Prof. Saner Kapil Ashokrao | Copyright | COOLING SOLUTIONS FOR POULTRY: A MODIFIED HOUSE DESIGN WITH MISTING TECHNOLOGY IN TROPICAL CLIMATES | International | Main Inventor | Registered Office Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Other Country | L-140092/2023 | Published | 08/09/2023 | 29601/2023-CO/L |
Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
Data not updated yet. |
Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
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Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
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Mechanical Engineering Patent & IPR:
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Type of IPR | Title of IPR | Level (National or International) | Role | Patent office | Application number | Category | Status of application | Patent Filled Date | Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number |
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